Monday - Saturday 8:30am
8:00am, 10:30am & 12:30pm in Spanish
We the Catholics of St. Mary’s give glory to God, through prayer, the Sacraments, and our daily lives. We empower each other to love Jesus Christ and minister to the spiritual and communal needs of all. God’s will be done.
Nosotros los Católicos de Santa María damos gloria a Dios, atreves de la oración, los Sacramentos, y nuestras vidas diarias. Nos empoderamos uno a otro para amar a Jesucristo y ministramos en las necesidades espirituales y comunales de todos. Que se haga la voluntad de Dios.
We welcome all new parishioners to our parish family! We are so glad you have chosen to join us today as we worship the Lord together and have fellowship! Click the button below to listen to homilies by Father Frank Chacon!
2100 E 20th Street, Farmington, NM 87401
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